30 Day Tools

Congratulations on committing to your 30 – 90 Day Challenge!
 10898248_10152758338483884_7976708400264678288_nSo you can reach your dreams faster, easier, better, and farther, and be at last the leader you know you are meant to be! ~ “What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” ~ Robert Schuller

Preparation will take ideally about 2-3 hours a day:

1) Please negotiate with your family and clear your schedule for your Challenge.

2) Email bess@bessmccarty.com your answers to:1 Minute Quiz: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/how-to-clear-the-top-10-mental-blocks-to-sales/1 Minute Quiz: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/how-to-clear-the-top-10-mental-blocks-to-success/  She will call you to schedule your private 2 Hour Mindset Clearing with her.

3) Email bess@bessmccarty.com your product story (your life before and after finding your products), and your business story (your life before and after finding this business). They should be about 2 minutes long each. Here is a guide to write them: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/how-to-write-your-compelling-story/2016/09/02/

4) Skill Book: Bess’s Always Get a YES! e-book (30 minute read) http://tinyurl.com/lz66xa2  Quick-Start: study pages 5-8: Learn that 4-step Invite method. Write your 10-minute presentation and send it to bess@bessmccarty.com.

5)  Email bess@bessmccarty.com your prospect funnel. These are the tools/exposures/links you send your prospect, and in what order.  I recommend your 10-minute presentation (from step 4 above) as your first tool. The 50 minute “Rise of the Entrepreneur” documentary may be a second link, so your prospect is sold on network marketing before you show them your company. https://www.risemovie.com/   ~  If you think 50 minutes is too long for some of your prospects, you may like my excellent 7 minute free video by my friend Professor Frost: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/network-marketing-the-best-business-the-world/

6) Another Skill book: Go Pro, by Eric WorreIf you don’t have it yet, here is the free Go Pro book:  https://funnel.freegoprobook.com/book-cfaa  Study it until you can make 100% score on this test without looking at the book: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/a-study-guide-for-eric-worres-go-pro-book/  THEN schedule time with Bess to practice inviting with you so you can get your skills level to  a 10.

7) Add names to your call list, until you have 500, using Memory Jogger:  http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/5903-2/  and 9 Places to Find Prospects: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/9-places-to-find-prospects/2013/03/16/ This  list is the people you will call starting when you start your Challenge.  If you need more names at that time, use my referrals tips as you call.  Another great resource is Linked-In. Also Reference USA: http://www.referenceusa.com/Static/LibraryLocator , which is only through a library. It helps you to find tons of prospects and qualify them by categories, such as location, income, entrepreneurs, etc., before you call them. ~ Group your list into categories such as warm, cold, direct, indirect, and super-indirect (see Eric’s book) and even occupation or age groups:  seniors, students, moms, etc. ~  (Eric’s Memory Jogger also has forms blanks for prospects and great scripts at the end.)

If you want to purchase leads: Brian Carruthers recommends http://instantsuccessleads.net/

Tim Sales sells leads too http://firstclassmlmleads.com/leads

8) Write your Challenge Game Plan using  http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/30-90-day-challenge-components/and email to bess@bessmccarty.com

9) Last week of prep: Finish clearing your schedule and household tasks. Study the rest of the tools below. Good Job! 🙂

Bess’s Always Get a YES! e-book (30 minute read) http://tinyurl.com/lz66xa2

How to lead a 3-way call: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/easy-3-way-calls/2016/01/31/

This explains Bess’s support during a 30-90 Day Challenge:  http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/30-90-day-challenge/

Bess’s Study Guide for Eric’s Go Pro book: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/a-study-guide-for-eric-worres-go-pro-book/

Scripts for “Rise of the Entrepreneur” film for your funnel:  http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/scripts-for-rise-of-the-entrepreneur-film/

MLMs: An Answer to These Economic Times: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/1521/2012/03/05/

How to Invite the 4 Personalities: https://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/the-4-personality-types/

Ice-Breaker Scripts: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/ice-breaker-scripts/

Followup Scripts: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/followup-scripts/

How to Get Referrals http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/how-to-get-referrals/

How to Handle 19 Objections:  http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/how-to-handle-19-objections/2014/06/01/

My Favorite Closers:  http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/my-favorite-closers/2014/12/22/

Start Them Right Checklist: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/checklist-get-your-new-recruit-started-right/

Monthly Team Coach Report: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/monthly-team-coach-report/

Optional Tools:

Article to eliminate discouragement: https://beachmoney.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/the-price-of-the-promisethe-power-of-network-marketing/

5 Keys to Closing a Sale Over the Phone: http://brandongaille.com/5-keys-to-closing-a-sale-over-the-phone/

Scripts to Recruit Professionals: Ask Bess

Scripts for Leads: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/script-for-leads/

Script for a Consult Session: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/script-for-a-consult-session/

To prepare for your 2 hour mindset clearing:

1 Minute Quiz: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/how-to-clear-the-top-10-mental-blocks-to-sales/

1 Minute Quiz: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/how-to-clear-the-top-10-mental-blocks-to-success/

Bess’s Real Conversations® Self-Coach Process: http://bessmccarty.com/real-conversations-5-lessons-2/

Bess’s Real Conversations® Self-Coach Process for Network Marketers: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/real-conversations-process-for-network-marketers/

Horse Stance Audio (scroll down, optional, free for you, normally $15): http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/here-is-your-audio-secret-of-the-ancient-tai-chi-masters/

Optional Mindset Material:

Horse Stance Book:  http://www.amazon.com/The-Way-Energy-Mastering-Internal/dp/0671736450

Small Mindset book (especially Parts 1 and 2): http://www.amazon.com/How-Is-That-Working-Roadmap/dp/0985139900

6 minute video for inspiration: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=596386183821695&set=vb.100003509556488&type=2&theater

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill  ~  E-Book , especially Self-Inventory, pages 114-116

Best communication model I’ve ever seen: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/compassionate-communication/

Recordings of Previous Challenge Group Calls: Please email me a few of your highlights from each audio that you like and will put into practice:

“How to Invite”http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day7-5-15.mp3 – Handout: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/resources/training-center/ice-breaker-scripts/

“Turn Objections Into Gold”http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90day1-29-15.mp3 – Handout: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/how-to-handle-19-objections/2014/06/01/

“Get Ready for Optimum Launch Results”http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day7-19-15.mp3

“Advanced Inviting Tips”http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day7-26-15.mp3

“Stories, Followup, and Objections”http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day8-2-15.mp3 – Handouts: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/category/success-stories/, http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/followup-scripts/

“Closers and Referrals”http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day8-9-15.mp3 Handouts: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/my-favorite-closers/2014/12/22/

Optional Recordings:

“Polish Your Skills, Clear Your Mindset” http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day8-23-15.mp3 ~ Role-play, horse stance, and inspiration.  Handout: http://bessmccarty.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Real-Conversations-27.pdf

“Bring a Story, Bring a Challenge” http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/wp-content/uploads/teleclasses/90Day8-30-15.mp3

Find Stories here: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/category/success-stories/ Also find them on your company calls and events, and from your life and your team’s. Put each story on a 4″x6″ index card, and file under categories, such as product, business, moms. seniors, students, corporate, etc.





“Kudos to Bess McCarty for consistently providing value to the Network Marketing Pro community. Thanks Bess.” ~ Eric Worre


“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as you mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve.” ~ Mary Kay Ash
