
Throw Them a Lifeline!

By  Bess McCarty

Question Man

Results of my survey:
I asked what professions you know that
badly need better career options. This
is so you can recognize a prospect when
you are standing next to them, and can
offer help. ~ You said:

Realtors (mentioned most)
Contractors (tough times for them too)
Oil field workers ($ is good, but hard work)
Nursing staff
School Teachers and their aides
College students (big student loans/no jobs)
Postal workers (cutbacks)
Tax/Accounting professions
Corporate (all levels politics & stress)
Car salesmen
All salesmen
Cleaning staff
Restaurant staff
Auto parts delivery drivers

A conversation that asks, listens and empathizes
with the downsides of their career brings a “Yes!” answer when you ask if they’d like to hear a little about a solution you may have for them.

Have some happy success stories
in mind to tell people: such as how others have changed careers and succeeded in Network Marketing or your company. This gives them hope, possibilities, and options. Stories are true doable!

Thank you to all who helped compile this list! Throw these people a lifeline. They need you! ~ Bess

P.S. – I offer a complimentary workshop for your team on this topic. If you’d like one, check it out: “MLMs: An Answer to These Economic Times”

Bess McCarty

"As a coach, teacher, and healer, I help people solve problems. I uncover and address the missing core needs, thus eliminating the problems, such as fears and negative beliefs, so they can achieve in their careers, have satisfying relationships, and enjoy vibrant health.

There is nothing quite so sacred and beautiful as that moment of working with a person who has a personal and spiritual transformation, as a certain magic happens that is beyond us both."

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