You are looking at this profession called Network Marketing.
You’ve watched the video, The Best Business in the World. It makes perfect sense to you.
There are a few companies you’re considering joining. You’ve checked them out with: How to Choose a Network Marketing Company
Now you wonder how to choose a good sponsor. That’s what this blog is!
I suggest you write down your ideal sponsor’s qualties (kind of like finding a mate!). You will best recognize them after you’ve gotten a clear picture of what’s important to you.
- I would look for a sponsor who is helpful and genuinely cares about your goals and needs, rather than uses you to meet his or hers. Do they do what they said they would? Are they dependable?
- Do you have a good rapport with them? Do you know, like, and trust them? Are they consistently positive and supportive?
- Do they answer your calls in a timely way? Do they truly listen to you? And to others?
- Do they have the experience to train you? Or can they link you up with someone who can? Are they at least as serious as you are about this business?
- Do they talk to new prospects every week? Do they attend major destination company events?
- Do they provide 3 way calls and other 3rd party tools? If you want to prospect via the internet, can they show you how? (And does the company allow it?)
- Do you like the marketing methods they use? (Parties, meetings, online, etc.)
- Can you tag along when they prospect? Do you see them listening to prospects’ needs and concerns before offering their products or business?
- At meetings, can you ask their downline for their opinion of their sponsor? Would they recommend him or her? Are they developing into leaders?
- Does their team have a simple system for duplication and growth? Is that team motivated and growing?
- Are their upline supportive in case you need them?
They don’t have to live in your area, but it can be a plus for meetings, doing booths together, etc.
Also ask: Do you love your products? How long have you been in the business? How many people have you recruited? How much time did you spend last year on the business? How much money did you net last year? And what were your expenses? What percentage of your sales were made to distributors?
Don’t sign up because you feel obligated, or impressed, without checking them out. Excuses, blaming, and desperation are red flags.
If your sponsor isn’t doing all this for you, or goes inactive, or quits, you don’t need to quit! If you are happy with your company and products, you can go upline until you find a supportive, experienced person, or you can contact the company for help. Many distributors welcome others to their events who are not in their downline, and many are willing to mentor others.
The MLM Millionaire Academy also functions as a generic sponsor, fills in for where your sponsor is lacking, and gives you a fresh viewpoint. It covers all the aspects you need to succeed in your network marketing business. Join us here:
Choose well, and you will find you are in the best business in the world!
Few good points to consider when I approach people who are looking for a sponsor. Always expect from yourself what you would expect from others. Thank you fot this post.
Thank you Greg! Be who the sponsor you would look for…