
How to Coach, Straight & Simple

By  Bess McCarty

O&B Spring Game

You’re discouraged.
Your Downline doesn’t make calls. (Or YOU don’t!)
You don’t know how to meet people to talk to.
Folks get turned off when you talk about your business.
You can’t get people to events.

What if you knew how to successfully coach yourself and your team past these problems? What if it was easy? And fast?

I’ll show you how.
This is a method I designed and used for 20 years to help network marketers break through to a new level.. I now teach it to coaches. As a Body Mind expert, I’ll teach you, as my gift.

I call this method Real Conversations®. It’s a simple process about loving ourselves enough to listen to our own needs and respond to them. It’s a proven, practical 4-step system that takes us quickly and directly to the key for breakthrough!

1. Identify the problem
2. Identify the feeling
3. Identify the need under the problem
4. Meet the need = problem gone.

When we unlock the secret to our next level, step, or goal, it’s because we’ve touched into a core, primal, God-given need. We know it, because it’s alive, vibrant, and real! When we respond to it, that’s an act of love. It always propels us forward. 80% of success or failure is due to the subconscious.

Example of the Real Conversations process:

1. Problem: you avoid making calls to prospects.
2. Feeling under that: embarrassment, shame (about MLM)
3. Unmet need: acceptance, confidence, validation of your profession.
4. Solution: become proud of MLM. Look at all the famous and respected people who champion MLM.

You can tell this process will be unique to each person each time. Another person might have the same problem of not making calls, but under it may be a feeling of fear of rejection. And so it will be a whole different need and solution.

Real Conversations helps you get to the heart REAL quick!

If you don’t, how long will you go on sabotaging yourself, having the best scripts, spending plenty on training, but still not making the calls? And you won’t even know why!

That’s hell! And Real Conversations gets you out of hell. Quicker than anything I know.

Real Conversations is not a product and is not for sale. We DO teach it in the MLM Millionaire Club though. It IS part of the cool things we do in there that you won’t find anywhere else. (You can get a free month in the Club here.)

If you want to learn it, just sign in below to get a free MP3 audio.

Here are the handouts to bring to the audio:
Real Conversations Chart
Do you have these Top 10 Mental Blocks to Success?
Do you have these Top 10 Mental Blocks to Sales?

Dedicated to Your Success,

“The most important ingredient for your success is the Real Conversations you have with yourself.” ~ Bess McCarty

Bess McCarty

"As a coach, teacher, and healer, I help people solve problems. I uncover and address the missing core needs, thus eliminating the problems, such as fears and negative beliefs, so they can achieve in their careers, have satisfying relationships, and enjoy vibrant health.

There is nothing quite so sacred and beautiful as that moment of working with a person who has a personal and spiritual transformation, as a certain magic happens that is beyond us both."

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