There are a lot of good network marketing teachers. You tell me you get overwhelmed. Who to follow?
We teachers each bring our unique gifts. I spend a lot of time continually researching the best and latest, and recommending their resources to you in the MLM Millionaire Club. You can save that research time, and instead build your business.
Besides distilling the best training and teaching you in the Club, I also bring to the table:
1) I’m very big on training, vs. teaching, telling, speaking.
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” ~ Confucius
My experience as a Body Mind therapist and teacher for 30 years is that we need to DO, repeatedly, to embody the new behavior. Some research says we need to do something 30 times to create a groove (neural pathway) in the brain. Then it becomes easier to do that thing, than NOT do it!
So in the MLM Millionaire Club, we apply this to what you and your team get stuck on the most: The awkward feeling of talking to people. Or better: Talking WITH people. We deeply practice the skills in Eric Worre’s Go Pro book, role-play scenarios, and bring in live prospects for you to talk with and get their feedback. Invaluable!
Some members bring recent prospecting experiences they blew, so they can see how to do it better in the future. Others practice a future VIP prospect scenario that they DON’T want to blow. They do the learning with us rather than with that prospect. Other times I create a common tough scenario for us to role-play, or bring in the live prospects, who may become your downline. We do that on Google Plus Hangouts that I call the “MLM Reality Show”! ~ Club Members also practice and stay on track with a Support Buddy.
2) I advocate leading with EDUCATION about Network Marketing as a business model, then later with your product or business. I learned this from Don Failla, the grandfather of network marketing, after his 40 years of experience. He says, teach a person to drive BEFORE you give ’em the keys to the car (sign them up). So they don’t wreck it (their warm market). So I created this page for you to first give prospects:
Education is a non-scary beginning to prospects, it sets them up to succeed when they do sign up, and it screens prospects so you have a greater return on your time with the ones you work with. Anyone not willing to go through a little education, as outlined on this page, won’t be a good distributor. They save themselves losing their start-up money, and increase the rate of distributors who succeed in this profession.
3) Prospects find YOU in the MLM Millionaire Club. Since I’m not in a company, I am an educator. I prospect for STUDENTS of network marketing. They come into the Club to learn about MLM and to find a good company and sponsor.
4) I’m an expert at clearing the psychology for success (80% of success). As a Body Mind therapist, I help you get to the need behind the block in minutes with my Real Conversations process. It’s very simple, and MLM Millionaire Club members get that.
The other 20% is Skills. We cover that too! I draw on my years of full-time network marketing. I know of no other network marketing trainer who has the depth of experience of BOTH the MLM business and the psychology skills.
“This is by FAR the best and most affordable membership training site for network marketers!” ~ Deena Cannistraci, Club Member
“There’s so much network marketing advice out there, I tell people to follow Bess McCarty and Eric Worre.” – David Ursu, Club Member
Join us in the MLM Millionaire Club:
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