Your team is your family. Give them a boost from a trusted source. Let me help you coach them with a free dynamic, interactive teleclass Workshop!
- Are you ready to break through to your next level?
- Do you want to know how to have more stars in your down line?
- Or how to make more results with less time and effort?
“What an awesome coaching for my entire downline! Wish we had more time with you. People were really satisfied, and left the meeting with motivation on top. Thank you with all of my heart! This is something I recommend to everyone in MLM.” ~ Helle Birkehoj, LifeWave, MLM Millionaire Club member
Choose from these popular topics, or suggest your own:
1) “How to Clear the Top 10 Mental Blocks to Success”
2) “Always Get a Yes: Heart-Centered Selling”
3) “MLMs: An Answer to These Economic Times”
Each workshop includes network marketers 2 toughest questions:
1) Where do I find people to talk to? 2) What do I say?
Your team will learn:
* They are surrounded by people who need them.
* 3 simple words to easily start a business conversation anywhere with anyone
* A followup phrase that literally eliminates rejection
* A simple trick to find the best distributors fastest and easiest, so you know where to spend your time that makes you the most money!
This private one hour teleclass workshop ($550 value) is FREE for you or your upline if you have 10,000 or more distributors on your team. If you don’t yet have 10,000, no problem: we just go upline and include you. Call Bess (512) 569-1139 to arrange a topic and date, then send your team this link :  (no opt-in needed)
“Thanks Bess, I really enjoyed your teleclass. I go back and look at my notes multiple times a day. It gives me even more motivation to do more than before. I recommend it to everyone!” ~ Anginetta Walker, Organo Gold, MLM Millionaire Club member
“Thank you Bess for your time, you are very inspiring.” ~ Kirsten Alice Petersen, LifeWave
“You are amazing Bess! You are always so willing to help us break through. Thank you for all that you do!” ~ April Peterson, Mary Kay
Bess McCarty, a Coach for Business & Life for 20 years, specializes in helping people clear their mindset for success. Her background is Body Mind Psychology. She is an acclaimed speaker for radio and seminars, and a published author with Network Marketing Business Journal and the book, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life . Her niche is coaching Network Marketers. She had an full-time award-winning MLM business for many years as a single mom.
Bess McCarty, Millionaire Maker, MLM Coach
Helping you to a Better Life!
P. S – I am a generic network marketing coach. Although I was a full-time network marketer for years, I am now dedicated solely to teaching and coaching. I completely support your company and upline methods, and enforce a strict “No Recruit” policy in the MLM Millionaire Club.