Inventory For Coaches Wanting Clients

Do you have room for more customers, clients, or patients? You've taken the business classes, you've tried the marketing tools. And still something's missing: CLIENTS! CUSTOMERS! PATIENTS!

I'm here to give you hope. And assurance that you CAN do the work you feel called to do. Even if you have been working at it, and you STILL have no, or few, clients.

Because if you dream it, you can achieve it. Your full practice already exists on a higher level. Your clients are lined up, waiting for you to open the doors to them. Clients who are specifically looking for YOU. What you uniquely have to offer them.

First let's unpack what negative mindset is in the way... Let's get what's in the shadows and in your subconscious out in the open. So you can get a good look at what's in there, and change it. I invite you to  print this page, grab a pen, and note which of these you have running around your mind:

__ Where are my clients/customers/patients?
__ I work hard at marketing!
__ I’m getting NO results!

__ I put so much out there and get nothing back.

__ Why aren't people coming?
__ I’m exhausted and burned out!
__ It shouldn’t be this hard!

__ "Giving up" is creeping in...

__ Is it really gonna take this much time?
__ Will I always have to hustle?

__ Push harder.

__ Do more.

__ Going back to old negative habits.
__ Maybe it’s not possible.
__ Maybe I’m not doing it right.
__ Maybe I should try another way.
__ Everybody’s getting clients but me!
__ Maybe there are no clients for me.
__ God forgot me.
__ Somethings wrong!
__ Maybe this marketing doesn’t work!
__ I’m mad!
__ I’m depressed!
__ I’m confused.
__ I should have clients by now!
__ What’s wrong with me?

__ Who am I to do this?

__ Am I really good enough?
__ I’m supposed to be a coach, not spend all my time marketing!
__ I don’t like it!
__ I’m not cut out to do this!
__ God’s out to get me!
__ They didn’t teach me right!
__ It’s all their fault!
__ Having a full practice is just a fantasy.
__ It can’t happen for me.
__ I must have bad karma.
__ Obsess about results
__ Pushing myself.
__ I’m so discouraged.
__ The bills aren’t getting paid.
__ What’s going to become of me?
__ Will I have to get a job that I really don’t want?
__ Should I just give up this dream?
__ My mom told me it was not realistic.
__ Who am I to think that I could work for myself?
__ Maybe I should get a job.
__ At least it’s a sure income.
__ I feel desperate for money.
__ I don’t sleep well.
__ I wake up in the middle of the night with worry.

__ How do I get out of this negative cloud hanging over me?
__ I am alone.
__ I have to do this alone.
__ I want to give up.
__ This is too hard.
__ Why am I stuck?
__ Self-critical when clients ghost, criticize, or hate.
__ Maybe nobody likes me.
__ Maybe I’m not a good coach.
__ Maybe there’s something wrong with me that nobody is telling me.
__ Maybe I can never make it in this field.
__ Maybe I ought to be a waitress.
__ Overwhelmed, shaken, stressed, and unsure how to move forward
__ Emotional turmoil
__ Second-guessing myself
__ Stalling out
__ I have to keep putting on a good front.
__ I have to look like and act successful.
__ If they only knew I am an imposter!
__ I’m so discouraged and disappointed.
__ I shouldn’t need to ask for help.
__ I’m embarrassed to get help.
__ That means I’m weak.
__ Then who would want to coach with me?
__ Blindsided by my emotional issues
__ Can’t keep clients
__ Worry about them leaving
__ Do they like me?
__ Are they getting results? Fast enough?
__ No referring clients
__ No motivation
__ Loss of income
__ Illness
__ Heartbreak
__ Stress
__ What if I get some tough clients?
__ I don’t know how to work with them.
__ What do I do then?
__ What if they scare me?
__ What if they trigger my own issues?
__ What if I react to them?
__ What if they see I’m human?
__ What if they judge me?
__ What if they criticize me?
__ What if I stall out while I’m with them?
__ What if I don’t know what to do?
__ What if they have horrible deep issues?
__ I don’t know how to handle them.

__ I don't know how to deal with haters.
__ I’m scared to raise my rates.
__ Everybody will leave.
__ I secretly fear success.
__ I am afraid of change.
__ My friends will be jealous of me if I am successful. I will lose my friends.
__ I don’t want to outdo my mom and dad.
__ Shame
__ Procrastination
__ Avoidance
__ Confusion
__ Panic
__ Resentment
__ Anger
__ Justification
__ Self righteousness
__ Rejection
__ Rebelliousness
__ Entitlement
__ Impatience
__ Fear
__ Worry
__ Complaining
__ Blaming
__ Lamenting

Well done! Now you have a good look at what keeps you awake at night. Any more to add? Let's get them all! You can bring your list to our class, and to our coaching, where we will transform them into programs that get clients!


Bess McCarty

P.S. - For total support as an entrepreneur and practitioner,  see
