Success stories

“I Believe in You, Doug.”

By  Bess McCarty

“My mom was always a believer in whatever I set my mind to. When my corporate career ended 6 years ago as a result of a corporate merger people asked me what was next for me. I told them I was going to focus on my part-time Network Marketing business. My colleagues thought I was nuts. My mom encouraged me to go for it. I’ve never looked back. She has since passed away.”

~ Doug Collins, Riverview, New Brunswick

Bess McCarty

"As a coach, teacher, and healer, I help people solve problems. I uncover and address the missing core needs, thus eliminating the problems, such as fears and negative beliefs, so they can achieve in their careers, have satisfying relationships, and enjoy vibrant health.

There is nothing quite so sacred and beautiful as that moment of working with a person who has a personal and spiritual transformation, as a certain magic happens that is beyond us both."

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