Holton Buggs, top-earner in MLM, spoke at the Go Pro Recruiting Mastery Event in Las Vegas Dec. 7. He described doing a series of conference calls every 2 hours for his team with a call to action of contacting 10 people and getting them on the next call in 2 hours.
When I left Las Vegas I knew I wanted to do a day long series of conference calls for my team. On December 31st I made a schedule, graphics, and a Facebook group chat for myself and the speakers. We created a Facebook event called “New Years Day Marathon”.
It went completely viral!
On New Years Day we started with 220 people on the first call at 10am and by the end of the day we had 590 people on the 8pm call. We had 2200 people call in over the course of the day. It was incredible! The group chat I had created for the speakers was an absolute God send. We prayed during technical difficulties, we teased each other about everything from how a janky toenail was growing a business to who was the most scared, we cried, we laughed, we cheered each other on. It kept me excited and energized. And I made some lifelong friends.
I had 200 friend requests that day, my Facebook blew up with Thank Yous from people all over the country. My friends, family and all those skeptics watched it all unfold on Facebook.
In the first week after the Marathon, my downline grew by 20 people, but it did more than that. It changed the way my team sees me. They are proud of me, proud to be on MY team and they see me as a leader worthy to follow. It also lit a fire in everyone who listened. I intended it to be a recruiting tool, but I was getting so much feedback via texts, FB posts and messages throughout the day, it morphed into a motivational/inspirational call.
On the final call of the Marathon, I told them that this wasn’t the end, it is just the beginning. I was passing the baton to them, to stay in the race, stay on track, don’t quit. It was a Monster success in so many ways, but most are intangible. It made me realize that if I don’t start acting like a Leader, I will never become a Leader. We always tell people that when they join network marketing they will be the CEO of their business. The problem is none of us know how to behave like CEO’s. This Marathon was my first attempt at CEO behavior.
Melissa Cuevas Collins, https://www.facebook.com/melissa.c.collins.7?fref=ts
Very inspirational. A lesson to be learned here. You took the steep even though you weren’t yet seeing you as a leader. I, on the other hand, had the same idea, but pet putting off the movement of the idea until I took care of some other things. Thank you for showing me how much simpler and effective it is to take action, then to sent on the sidelines and wait for the “right time.”
Hey Josh, The speakers told their stories of results with the products and business with the company that Melissa is in. I just found this out on our Club call last night. ~ And Gloria, thanks for the insight that action is often simpler than waiting! ~ I do know it’s a heck of a lot more energizing! 🙂