“Kudos to Bess McCarty for consistently providing value to the Network Marketing Pro community. Keep doing what you’re doing. Thanks Bess.” ~ Eric Worre
“You are an amazing human being.” ~ Marina Worre
Click Here to Apply for a Complimentary Coaching Session with Bess
In three sessions Bess helped a man overcome a business-crippling, lifelong fear that even the top psychologists at UCSD couldn’t help. And in one session, stopped a man’s long-time pattern of destructive behavior that three years of psychotherapy didn’t.
“I was paralyzed and seriously exhausted from depression. I had to have help with simple chores. I could not enjoy life. Bess saw that the joyful part of me was dying. In ONE session, through images and stories, she had me laughing and crying. We identified five personality parts of me that had created this situation, and that got me out of it. This process turned me 180° toward relief, great happiness, and confidence for my future. I have my joy and life back!” – G. H.
21 Year Old leaps 2 ranks into a 6 figure income after doing a 60 Day Challenge with Bess, Congratulations Jacob! “Through Bess’s amazing ability and support, I was able to do my 60 Day Challenge with massive success!” ~ Jacob Rakowski
“I’m so glad to find you! I never knew anyone was coaching network marketers like this!!” ~ Janine Finney, The Flip Flop CEO
Jumped 2 ranks after a Challenge with Bess: “In the first two months on Bess’s Challenge, my income increased 20%, and I’m recruiting more people globally.” ~ Elsebeth Nybroe-Nielsen, Denmark
“Bess really helped me improve my communication, time management, and most importantly some internal blocks I faced. With her assistance, I took my monthly sales performance from 15% of expectation to 458%. I’m currently over 150% YTD in my sales goals, and have reached 4 of my 5 most significant written goals for this year, as well as leading for the President’s Club Award for outstanding salesperson. Bess is worth her weight in gold!” ~ Rob Nussbaum, Austin, TX
“Since doing the 30 Day Challenge with Bess, everything is clicking. I seem to have a Golden Touch and can’t do anything wrong. It changed my life and how I do business. My team expanded 70%, and the number of active ones more than doubled. I’m still consistently prospecting with no excuses stopping me. My upline and team are inspired by me. I’m asked to speak. I’m now the leader I dreamed of being!” ~ James O’Connell, Haverhill, MA, MLM Millionaire Academy member
“Bess’s coaching very effectively helped resolve recurring personal life issues so I became free to focus on my business. Then we set goals and strategies that marketed my business, increased accountability, and tracked results. It worked tremendously! Since I began working with Bess in April, my business income has quadrupled!! I attribute this 100% to our work. “ -James Moore, Austin, TX
“Bess does powerfully effective work! If you truly desire to get to the root of the unseen drivers of the patterns running (or maybe wrecking) your life, this is the most direct method I’ve come across. She goes directly and immediately to the core of what is holding us back from our true purpose and full potential. Jump in, strap in, mash the accelerator, and don’t look back. You won’t regret it!” – John Sweat, Hays, Kansas
“Your calm energy helped me the most.” – April Yvette, 6 figure earner, Indianapolis
“Unconditional (you’ve shown me unconditional love).
Available (every time I’ve reached out, you’ve been there)
Gentle (you have a gentleness about you, soft and unique).” – Sharon Lamb, South Africa
“Since our last session I have talked to 10-20 new people a day and signed up 10 new recruits. My team is on fire and opening up in another country! Of all the network marketing teachers, I gravitate to you the most because you FEEL me. You HEAR me. You know what I need, you know my goals, and you say just what I need to hear. I simply cannot get a better coach than you.” ~ Ziga Keber. Ljubljana, Slovenia

“Everything has been going REALLY REALLY good! I utilized what you told me. I called my past contacts. 6/6 of them have signed on with me today to work with me in my business! – Aimee Nguyen, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“Bess, I know that you are one of a few genuine trainers with a servant heart.” – Des Morgan
“Bess helps me move forward big time in my real estate career with eXp Realty, past roadblocks I couldn’t have navigated myself! I was at a standstill, complacent and not organized. Bess helped me with Body/Mind Coaching and business coaching to BUILD FASTEST! Major inspiration, encouragement, clarity, best strategies, and mastering skills from Bess in a way that was just my language!” – Deborah SuZan
“Thanks Bess it was a pleasure to speak with you and Aimee on the Academy class. I actually used some of the tips today, and now have 2 new potential promoters and a customer in 2 short hours! Thanks for everything!” – Steven Scagnetti, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“In one session Bess helped me move from nauseating physical pain to freedom from that pain! I understood what caused it, and got hope and strategy to navigate my life better in the future. I’m very grateful it has not come back since!” – RQ, Hays, Kansas
“The guidance I am receiving is transforming my life!!!” – Cathy Fry
“Your coaching has been simply invaluable to me. It grounded me exactly when things seemed most difficult and when I felt as though I was losing control. With much appreciation,” ~ B.H., San Diego
”Our sessions were a major breakthrough for me.” – Raj Patel
“Bess is my lifeline. Without our weekly meetings I’ll be so behind on my work, and my body would be in dire state. Thanks Bess for all you do.” ~ Yifat Cohen, Austin, Texas
“I have known Bess for over 10 years – she is my go-to person when I need to brainstorm solutions. Her advice is practical and down to earth.” – Josh
Click Here to Apply for a Complimentary Coaching Session with Bess
“I got to the bottom of why I’m not fully committed to my business. I got practical steps to get un-stuck from them more quickly!” – Linda Westrick, Indianapolis, Indiana
“I was looking, I was searching for a coach that understands Network Marketing and has extensive experience in Psychology until I found the best coach in the world. Thank you so much Bess for helping me see my real potential and bring out the best in me. You empowered and helped me unleashed my mental blocks and I am now unstoppable!!! “ ~ Yolly from Old Australia
“I recently joined Bess McCarty’s Real Conversations Class. I’ve done a lot of programs, classes, coaching and even therapy in my life, and yet last night I got a new understanding of the cause of my problem and what to do about it. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised – wowed even – by the attention, insight and skilled coaching that Bess gives to each and every student. She is sparkly and has a lot of depth. I am absolutely certain that this investment in myself will pay off in huge dividends.” – Maria Meiners, Sharonville, Ohio
“This whole process has completely transformed my mindset and given new life to my business!” – Jacob Rakowski, Houston, Texas
“Hi Bess! Thank you! The Real Conversations Lesson #1 was awesome!! Who would have thought such a small act could turn out to be so powerful. I felt like a “good door” opened for me after I completed the exercise… I’m really looking forward to this journey!!” ~ Denise Jackson, San Diego, CA
“Words cannot express my gratitude to you for assisting me in my upward climb.” ~ Rachel Leder
“I cannot express enough how much I appreciate you and your coaching! My joy and fulfillment are off the scales.” – Louis Drott
“You are not just helping me become a good network marketer, but also a good person… thank you!” ~ Anand Chavan
“Perfect practice makes perfect.” ~ Dr. Harvey Kitzman, member in the MLM Millionaire Academy. “This is a safe environment for trying things out and getting your questions answered. Bess is a great teacher. Smart people are always learning. Practice on our Academy classes without a doubt has made me more confident in my approaches and helps me talk to people better and more.”
“Bess kept me sane and encouraged through the challenging days on the way to my current great success.” ~ Damon Flowers, Austin, TX
“I have yet to meet a person who strives for work hard and play hard, all while loving everyone whose life she lifts along the way! Look at this shining bright star, rising up, up and up.” ~ Kara Sultana Rea
“Bess listens. She helps me clarify and organize my many creative Ideas into action steps. I am happier now and growing quicker in my business! She supports who I am, and my gifts, rather than make me into something else. She is a neutral source of many ideas, suggestions, and sounding board with a wide area of expertise, from business to personal growth.” ~ Jennifer Barnett, 6 figure Network Marketing coaching client
“Coaching with Bess opened my eyes not only to what is possible, but to what the results of my inaction are. She gave me the strength and courage to be the person I was meant to be. Bess is the BOMB. Her knowledge and support are Amazing. I love the MLM Millionaire Academy. The camaraderie, direction, and masterminding that goes on in the calls is invaluable. ” – Tracy Baker, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“This is by FAR the best and most affordable membership training site for network marketers!” ~ Deena Cannistraci, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“I joined the MLM Millionaire Academy as well as Eric Worre’s Go Pro All Access. What I appreciate most is that you really do come from the heart!” ~ Magdalena Hanson
“After working only a very short time with Bess, she helped me zero in on my road blocks, find alternative actions, and then reach Executive District Manager. You have no idea just how good it felt to accomplish that!!! Next step: AREA MANAGER!” ~ Debbie Brown, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“In my opinion the MLM Millionaire Academy is the best value in this field available anywhere. The Classes and Lessons keep me confident, current, polished and connected to the best of prospecting and recruiting. They keep me improving all the time.” ~ Rich McCoy, San Diego, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“I thought long and hard about whether I needed a coach… I recognized that to achieve the high standard I had set that I was going to have to make significant changes in myself. In the short time we worked together this is what has happened: (1) We refined my goals and mission statement. (2) Bess helped me identify objectives that I had not thought of. (3) She helped me effectively review and track my progress. – Perhaps most importantly I gained trust and confidence in the process, my coach, and myself.” ~ Rich McCoy
“The MLM Millionaire Academy has been invaluable to me. It provides the encouragement and support of people working with me and for me.” ~ Phil Eldred, The Abundance Doctor, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“You have made a great difference in my life. The revelations I discovered in our conversations continue to echo in great understanding!” ~ Caryn McCaskill

“I cannot thank you enough for our coaching! You lifted a burden and them some. You simplified everything for me. You validated that I do have value and worth to teach and share. I’m writing an ebook and have so much focus and clarity!” – Deanna Michelle, Raleigh, North Carolina
“Bess, this is what I have been searching for! WOW! You are really great! Please don’t ever underestimate what you do for our businesses – empowerment is the word. Much love from Botswana, Africa.” ~ Bobby Moeng, network marketer
“Bess, you are an asset to the industry and an inspiration to those of us in it.” ~ Kevin Francis, Fort Wayne, Indiana
“Bess, because of who you are, you attract the quality of people to the MLM Millionaire Academy that I love getting on the calls with and learning from.” – Debbie Brown, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“I love your energy and presence. Very calm but also it speaks of confidence.” – Shawn White
“I get an opportunity to ask questions, get good feedback on numerous issues, meet others on the classes with the same issues, and learn what works for them. The fee much more than pays for itself. I’ve gained clarity about my work.” – Alex Lakatos, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“Bess, anyone who knows you knows you’re more than a coach, you’re a real gifted healer who teaches and lives the path of personal transformation. Your versatility in dealing with a wide range of issues is unmatched and your open-hearted nature and deep connection to spirit is what creates the space for real change to take place. Over the years you have helped me become a better, more authentic me and that makes me feel happy! Thank you Bess, I’m blessed to know you.” – Betty Strong, San Diego, California
“Bess always has just the right thing to say! She did just that on the Academy class last night for me. She reminded me that I have accomplished the basics and more and just need to repeat. Thank you to a very special lady!” ~ Jane Rogers, MLM Millionaire Academy member
” I have known Bess for many years. I have been using her coaching service for the past 6 months. She has been a tremendous help for me in clearly defining my goals, staying focused and tracking progress just to name a few skills that she’s helping me build or refine. And this month I achieved the Executive Trainer position in my company! ” – Rich McCoy, San Diego, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“You are my Wizard of Oz. You know how to help me see my potential, strength, and courage.” – Ernest Rodriguez, Austin, TX, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“Once I was in a very dark place. Events in my life upset all that I had become very comfortable with. Bess patiently listened to all the events that were getting close to pushing me over the edge. She offered suggestions and I began to understand how I created my own worry. I was in tears when Bess described that God, Spirit, or the Universe actually did care and love ME. Worth a million.” – Curt F.
“Thanks for your contribution to my team. It has been awesome, and really something I recommend to others..” ~ Helle Birkehoj, Denmark, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“Thank you Bess McCarty and The MLM Millionaire Academy for continuing to deliver informative and timely information to assist in building a positive community for all of our businesses…If you don’t belong to this school, you need to!! .” ~ Todd Smith, MLM Millionaire Academy Member
“Thanks Bess! You are doing some pretty amazing things for the universal MLM world!” ~ Priscilla Williams, Austin, TX. MLM Millionaire Academy member
There’s so much network marketing advice out there, I tell people to follow Bess McCarty and Eric Worre.” – David Ursu
“Bess McCarty gives generously of her time to support everyone in the network marketing profession.” ~ Peter Burrows
“Bess, thank you for the value you bring to people every day. We appreciate everything you do.” ~ Aaron Avila
“Bess, you may not know how your business tips have really upgraded my network business skills. You are the best.” ~Paul Ilegbusi
“I know Bess and can attest that she is the real deal. Check out her MLM Millionaire Academy and its benefits. Top tier training as always Bess.” ~ Allen Daniels
“Hi Bess, the Webinar was excellent. It was a great learning aid.” ~ Deborah ImaniUqdah
“Hey Bess, I just wanted to say how great your info is… keep up the good work!” ~ James Wood
“Your workshops are the best.“ ~ Thobias Lindquist
“Very excited that my team has began to gather momentum in the past week or so. Thanks so much for the help Bess McCarty.” ~ Drema Morris
“I just listened to your recording where you reach deep down into your heart and mind and answer some very difficult questions, beginning with ‘On a scale if one to ten how motivated are you?’ and the ten questions. Very inspirational and difficult, but great way, to really see what moves me, how I need to move forward, and how to motivate my downline and myself. An amazing eye opener. I want you to know you really are very motivating in such a soft way. HARD SELL, that just isn’t me. I felt so calm and just serene after listening to just one of your recordings. It was a very ‘reach down into your soul’ lesson. That is what motivates. Hoping someday soon I will be able to access all of your knowledge in the MLM Millionaire Academy. THANK YOU. ” ~ Mandy Reese
(Here is the recording: http://www.mlmmillionaireclub.com/blog-comments/how-to-help-your-downline-get-their-strongest-why/2012/08/16/ )