One Year of Support and Tools designed to clear practitioners’ and clients’ blocks with an unparalleled, state of the art coaching method and skills. So you can get clients, keep clients, become immune to burnout, overcome self-doubt, banish financial distress, and show up for your clients with unwavering confidence, clarity, and resilience! You can unquestionably lead them to their greatest results! And they KNOW it! Support for top-tier coaches and professionals! You are not alone!
Limited to 8 students! Click Here for a Free Coaching Session With Bess to Learn More! Can you afford NOT to? / Scroll down for Curriculum.
Who is this 12-Month Course For?
This Course is a league and community for personal and professional development for healers, coaches, holistic health practitioners, body workers, breath workers, yoga teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, chiropractors, counselors, advisors, consultants, and teachers who:
- Want more clients!
- Suffer financial distress...
- Long to coach instead of spending all their time marketing
- Are alone, burned out, overwhelmed, unsupported, or confused
- Feel blindsided and stalled out by their own emotional issues or their clients'
- Worry about clients leaving
- Hate the uneasiness that comes with not knowing exactly where to focus a session
- Suffer from low confidence that comes from wondering if the time they spend with a client is actually serving them
- Have self doubt because they're feeling it's taking longer for their clients to get results than they'd like
- Are exhausted because of the number of hours they have to work to make a decent income, yet they fear raising their fees because, when they're honest with themselves, they're not certain their work is worth it.
- OR they just want to 10X the results they get with their clients! Perhaps they know about Inner Child work, yet have been trained in it. But they can feel the benefits of adding it to their work.
Still other practitioners come because they feel triggered while working with their clients or building their business. They may experience shame, impatience, discouragement, anxiety, or poverty mindset. Their clients' issues may bring up their own childhood unhealed issues. And so this undermines their confidence. It may show up as procrastination, avoidance, fatigue, insomnia, or even panic.
What is the cost of not feeling confident or supported? Oh boy! Heavy cost! It may mean no motivation, loss of income, no clients, no referring clients, abandonment of your purpose, getting a job, illness, or deep heartbreak because you are not doing what you came here to do, are called to do.
At last! Mentoring and Support! With Bess's Real Conversations method, we bring love, compassion, and tools for that inner child who cries for help. It's time! To get free of the limitations that can dog a person for a lifetime. To fly instead of crawl. To be the joyful self that we TRULY are!! And to never fear again that you can't do your chosen work. Because now you have a simple modality you can really sink your teeth into. And your transformation is actually training for how to work with your clients!
Imagine this:
A consistent full flow of your ideal clients who you love working with, who you can't wait for tomorrow to be with them again. Who keep coming back and refer more!
The financial ease to feel creative and playful in your practice
The love and fulfillment that comes with doing what you are called here to do
All the joy and energy you can imagine
A community of loving support for you.
Freedom from emotional issues and triggers
Raving testimonials and undeniable greater results for your clients
Raising your rates as you grow in skill
The confidence to be able to help practically any client who comes to you
No more days of emotional turmoil, second-guessing yourself, or stalling out in your practice.
Picture yourself knowing exactly how to respond—with unwavering confidence, clarity, and resilience.
This community offers support, clearing, training, recognition, mentorship, and access to resources aimed at catalyzing confidence through continual growth and success in your industry. So you can clear your issues and help your clients to more profound transformation!
The best part? You don't have to do it alone anymore! You now have a mentor and a team to be the wind beneath your wings. To have support, feedback, to see things you cannot see alone. To boost you when you are down, so you can move through obstacles faster, smoother, easier, and better!
The Real Conversations with Your Inner Child Practitioners Course Curriculum
Month 1 - Real Conversations method Part One. Proven, practical steps to transformational problem-solving. We start with how to get more clients by clearing your mindset. Practitioners master the 4 Steps of the powerful Real Conversations coaching method and get their own clearings with Bess in class. So they can experience a simple, proven method they can rely on.
Month 2 – Real Conversations method Part Two. Practitioners facilitate clearings with each other and their clients and write case studies. So they can become proficient at helping their clients to solutions with any problem they have!
Month 3– Body Module. Practitioners learn how to help their clients meet their physical needs with Real Conversations, including grounding emotional energy in the body. (Also called regulation,) Tai Chi, Horse Stance, Breath Work, Body Mind Reading, nutrition, exercise, rest, and touch. So they can become immune to burnout and facilitate client emotional releases much easier!
Month 4 – Spiritual Module. How to help clients meet their spiritual needs with Real Conversations. Spiritual Exercises, journaling, nature, Inner Guidance stories, principles and exercises. So practitioners can have the confidence of that strong spiritual core.
Months 5 & 6 – Emotional Module. How to help clients understand and meet their emotional needs with Real Conversations. Inner Child work and exercises. A deeper dive to help clear negative childhood programs for practitioners and their clients. Practitioners lead a 6 week Inner Child class series, for income if they want. So they can learn to navigate inner blocks and get free of emotional issues from childhood.
Months 7 - 11 - Healing the Past Intensive. Revealing, Releasing and Re-educating Faulty Childhood Learning. A breakthrough opportunity for practitioners to re-program the subconscious with healthy and functional beliefs, so they are no longer the effect of negative parental role-modeling and can break free of the automatic behaviors that work against them. This is done through journaling, guided meditations, and energetic releases of the negative programming, then replacing it with what they want in their life now. A truly special and life-changing process for the practitioners to get free of emotional triggers, that also provides them with the understanding and tools to help their clients. This is the deepest work I do. Included are about 10 Support Exercises and check-ins for the coming year.
Month 12 - Mental Module. How to help clients meet their mental needs with Real Conversations. Plus a communication model that listens and speaks without judgment, blame, criticism, or demands. So practitioners can have the confidence of this powerful communication tool! Summary: How to help clients meet their needs with Real Conversations and Time and Stress Management to make their lives more effective and functional, and avoid burnout. Goals, Strategies, and Tracking, the Four Personalities' needs, Male-Female needs, and more. So practitioners can use all these tools and be able to charge more for the increased results!
*Certification Ceremony and Next Steps!
*To help you plan, each month you will have about 6 class hours + 1 hour private coaching with Bess, + 2-6 hours per week of hands-on homework, totaling about 4-8 hours a week total of your time.
Can you afford NOT to do this program??
“If you have a car but not a business coach, sell the car and hire the coach… you’ll go farther.” ~ Hilton Johnson
We found an average return on investment of 5.7 times the initial investment in a typical executive coaching assignment or a return of more than $100,000. – Maximizing the Impact of Executive Coaching, Manchester Review
What will it cost you to wait? The clients you could have gotten? The years you could have been helping people? The angst of emotional issues from childhood sabotaging your life? Health issues? Don't wait. Book a Free Coaching Session NOW.